Nyasa Beale

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Nyasa Beale


+44 (0)300 373 1282
Nyasa  Beale

Nyasa joined Scott Brownrigg in 2012, working in the Cardiff and London Studios.  In 2018 she moved to New York for three years to establish our US operation SB+C.  She now leads the Residential team in our London studio focusing on front end design and International projects.

With her extensive and detailed knowledge of residential and commercial design, Nyasa has been instrumental in designing and delivering some of Scott Brownrigg’s largest and highest profile schemes.  Her key projects include work on Culinary Quarter9-11 Richmond BuildingsCardiff Pointe, Eden Grove, Atlas Building and Old Church Street.

Whilst in the US, her key projects include the New York Wind Turbine and her key Clients include Bloomberg and Refinitiv.

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