CABI HQ wins at the Constructing Excellence SECBE Awards

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CABI HQ wins at the Constructing Excellence SECBE Awards

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CABI HQ has won Building Project of the Year under £10 million at the Constructing Excellence SECBE Awards 2021.

The Constructing Excellence SECBE Awards recognise the very best of the construction and built environment industry from across London and the South East. Throughout the rigorous judging process, the expert judges look for people and organisations driving change in our industry.

CABI apply scientific expertise to solve problems in agriculture and the environment. We worked alongside Project Managers and Lead Consultant Ridge and Partners LLP (Ridge) to complete the low energy design that offers a two-storey office space and successfully integrates an experimental bio-diverse landscape with a new collaborative flexible working environment.

Situated in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, the building responds to its surroundings with a living roof, which will attract insects and birds and enhance biodiversity. Inside, it hosts up to 180 members of staff, who are provided with a range of amenities including a café restaurant, meeting rooms and conference room / auditorium.

At the heart of this project is CABI’s commitment to protecting the environment. The design is highly energy efficient with detailed strategies for materials, orientation and structures. The design includes a careful selection of materials for the building fabric, which reduce the energy consumption to achieve low carbon use in operation.

Huge congratulations to all involved on this project!

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