Creating a more sustainable economy for Venice

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Creating a more sustainable economy for Venice

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Venice is on the front line of climate change, as rising sea levels contribute to frequent flooding of its historic streets.

News reports have revealed that a new €5 daily visitor fee will be trialled in an attempt to control over tourism in Venice, which has contributed to pressure on local services and rising living costs, residents leaving the city, and students struggling to find accommodation. 

So, how can Venice create a sustainable economic accelerator that provides solutions to the problems of over tourism and climate change? And how can architects draw up masterplans to help tourist destinations change the way they operate?  Last week, Director Neil MacOmish joined Future Cities Forum at the Procuratie Vecchie in Venice to discuss how plans can be developed for sustainable tourism in cities.

Researching the history of people and place, engaging with locals and encouraging craftsmanship, harenessing natural features, materials and energy are all factors that can contribute to a rich narrative for future development and in creating a strong sense of place.

Find out more about our approach to designing cultural tourism projects as Neil’s insights are shared in the latest Future Cities Forum report here: Creating a more sustainable economy for Venice and the world (

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