Education Buildings Ireland 2022

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Education Buildings Ireland 2022

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Director Helen Taylor and Senior Associate at The-Learning-Crowd Dr Sharon Wright will join a session about ‘Inspiring Schools’ at Education Buildings Ireland on the 29 November.

As part of a wider panel discussion chaired by Ross McNamara, Department of Education, Helen and Sharon will explore what community, sustainability, wellbeing and inclusion mean for school design, the briefing process, and the type of spaces we need in order to create truly healthy, happy schools.

Taking place on 29-30 November at the University College Dublin, Education Buildings Ireland is all about discovering ways to help create high quality learning environments for all students and learners. With a focus on the funding, design, construction, management, and maintenance of Early Childhood/Pre-School, Primary Education, Post Primary Education, Further Education and Training & Higher Education.

Find out more and register a place here.

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