Our Carbon Reductions

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Our Carbon Reductions

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We are committed to reducing our operational carbon emissions. We aim to halve our Green House Gas emissions by 2030 compared to our 2019 baseline and achieve net zero emissions before 2050. We are exploring our offsetting options and developing a strategy to implement later this year.

We selected 2019 as our baseline year as we wanted data from before the pandemic in order to accurately reflect our typical practices, especially around business travel. We have recently completed our second assessment which shows a reduction in our emissions.

Our office carbon footprint from 2022 was 939.6 tCO2e which equates to 5.4 tCO2e/ full time employee. This includes Scope 1, 2 and Scope 3 emissions, with data coming from a combination of primary data and conversion factors based on spend.      

This has been achieved through changing energy suppliers, consolidating our offices and reduction in business travel compared to our baseline. The 2022 calculation now includes improved data on employee commuting and business travel. Growing our business internationally is one of our aims, and so we expect business travel to grow. To address this we have implemented policies that encourage more remote meetings and prioritising lower carbon forms of travel.  

Go Climate Positive have helped us with our calculation and summary of this can be found on their portal at GoClimate | Certificate (go-positive.co.uk)

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