Planning permission secured for state-of-the-art 2000 place school and autism centre

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Planning permission secured for state-of-the-art 2000 place school and autism centre

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Planning consent has been given for the new Howard of Effingham School, Surrey. The scheme consists of a new 2000 place Secondary School, Sixth Form Centre, new headquarters for the Howard Partnership Trust and a ‘Cullum Centre’ that will provide specialist teaching accommodation for children with Autism.

Howard of Effingham School will be the second school designed by Scott Brownrigg for the Howard Partnership Trust, following on from the success of the award-winning Three Rivers Academy.

The design concept proposes an ‘education village’ grouped around a central promenade to create a series of buildings permeated by green landscape. The promenade is an open, naturally lit space that sits at the core of the buildings. It will be the metaphorical and physical heart of the school, creating spaces for learning, teaching, social interaction and enjoyment; allowing direct access to a series of external courtyards, each with a distinctive character and use.

“We believe that the design not only delivers a school fit for the 21st century but also one that will support extensive community use in a set of buildings that integrate well into the local context.”

Michael Olliff, Managing Director

Following a community consultation, it was evident that the school would benefit from a collegiate appearance. In response, Scott Brownrigg created a design based upon the principles of order, proportion and symmetry. High quality materials make a positive contribution to the local character ensuring the school fits well into its rural village context.

Biodiversity improvements have been incorporated into the landscape strategy for the new school, including the creation of a species-rich flower meadow and wet meadow, new waterbodies and extensive tree and hedgerow planting. These newly created habitats will replace the species-poor, abandoned agricultural land, resulting in a net biodiversity gain.

The project will be funded by the building of new sustainable homes, carefully designed to complement the character of Effingham (including a proportion of affordable homes).

With planning permission now secured, work will commence on site imminently.

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