About DRU

About DRU

The Design Research Unit has shaped the nature of our physical surroundings and design culture for over six decades. Since 2004, the DRU has been an integral part of Scott Brownrigg – raising the standard of our work with leading-edge thinking, research and collaboration.

Founded in 1943 by Herbert Read, Misha Black and Milner Gray, DRU was the first consultancy to combine expertise in architecture, graphics and industrial design.

It’s not an exaggeration to say the DRU has influenced the way generations of people interact with the urban environment.

Our focus is building from the original ethos of the DRU. Today “Research – discovery – intelligence – knowledge – disseminate,” has become ‘Imagination – shifting boundaries – recognition – appropriateness – conversation/communication – return on investment.’”

Building on this extraordinary legacy, the DRU is Scott Brownrigg’s knowledge base. A think tank, a place to break rules and drive change across the industry – the Design Research Unit informs all levels of our design process, how we seek out opportunities and collaborations.

"The Design Research Unit informs all levels of our design process"

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