Station Modernisation & Enhancement Programme

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Station Modernisation & Enhancement Programme


Tube Lines Ltd

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The Brief

We were commissioned to carry out the designs for the PPP Station Modernisation and Enhancement Programme of works on the Piccadilly Line with Tube Lines and Morgan Est. Works were carried out to deliver a scoped menu of enhancements.


We evaluated individual stations to consider their physical characteristics, integrity and viability against the scope requirement. We identified listed status and features of significant historic importance requiring special attention. We aimed to achieve a balance between the station’s heritage and current technology requirements to provide an appropriate level of operator and passenger performance.

Due to the geographical spread of stations and the numbers of separate Local Authorities that were consulted we also carried out a line-wide exercise with Historic England to ensure that there was a consistency in approach and detail between the stations.



As founder members of the DfT JV we carried out a consultant role with client Tubelines and contractor Morgan Est in an incentivised Tri-partite partnering agreement. Our awarded Piccadilly Line stations were considered important examples of earliest Modern Movement buildings, designed specifically in an identifiable British Style.


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